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- D E S __ ______ _____ ______ ______ _____
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- פפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפ
- פ |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| פ
- פ | (Of Lasers and Men) | פ
- פ |__________________________________| פ
- פ פ
- פ ß-graphics by Yann Leroux, Christophe Mallard פ
- פ & Arnaud Linz. פ
- פ פ
- פ All code, levels and conception by Arnaud Linz. פ
- פ פ
- פ פ
- פ © 1993,1994 Arnaud LINZ, assembled with Assemble (Brainstorm™) פ
- פ & Devpac DSP (Hisoft™) פ
- פ פ
- פ Data Compression: Cyrille Dupuydauby פ
- פ פ
- פ v1.0 released 1994 February,the 18th. פ
- פ Graphisms released 1994, December the 5th פ
- פ v2.0 released 1994, January the 31st פ
- פ פ
- פפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפפ
- W A N T E D
- I am looking for the adress of Magnus SUDIN
- Christian ANDERSON
- Living Spiskroksgatan 7
- near Stockholm, Sweden.
- They gave me 300FF through my bank account during Spring 1994
- without notifying their complete address, and without any
- further claim ! If you read these lines, please send me
- immediately your co-ordinates.
- ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
- The unregistered version has only two levels. You should send a donation to its
- author if you intend to use it.
- If you send a donation, you'll be a registered user. This way you will receive
- extra levels (there are 21), the lastest version of D.L.E.D.H., etc...
- You may also send any remark, demand of improvment or anything else. They will
- be read and if possible followed. Further information about GETTING REGISTERED
- will be found later in this file.
- PLEASE GET REGISTERED, it will be helpful and encouraging.
- COMMERCIAL USES ARE FORBIDDEN, no extra fee can be charged, except mailing
- and/or duplication fees.
- /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\
- \_______/
- (I) Introduction & rules.
- (II) Inventory.
- (III) Getting Registered.
- (IV) Future Improvements.
- (V) Tech Notes.
- (VI) Bugs Report.
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- DES LASERS ET DES HOMMES is a 100% machine code True Color game for
- the expensive and slow Atari FALCON030. This is a 'Wolfenstein 3D' style game
- which can not be compared with DOOM... (ID software)
- This release is the v2.0. All graphs are not ready, and they certainly
- never will, due to a catastrophic lack of graphic-man.
- Rules:
- ¨¨¨¨¨¨
- The scene takes place in a spatial complex, where 2 spatial
- commandos are fighting, namely the browns and the blues.
- You are one of the browns, your aim is to eradicate the blues
- out of this area. (Quite simple, isn't it ?)
- Each guy has specific values of abilities, you'll soon learn
- to recognize the strongest ones ! (They aren't in your team...)
- These values are:
- - speed
- - precision
- - paranoia (i.e. the propencity to shoot friends...)
- This last ability can be turned off.
- The implemented soldiers are:
- - Néphistophélès
- - Fer
- - K.S.
- - Dupdob as FOES
- - Ju-ju
- - K-rho
- - Didbo
- - the hacker
- - many 1st class soldiers
- - Bill (the colour-blind who shoots everybody)
- - many 2nd class soldiers as FRIENDS
- Your shield is the protection of your spatial armor. When to 0,
- flee !
- It auto-regenarates himself with the time, and can be partially
- refueled with an energy source.
- The first score table shows the score of the 10 best human or
- computer-controlled characters. The computer cheats a lot because it's really
- a lamer.
- The final score table shows the 10 best human scores. (It is saved
- to the disk when returning to Gem Desktop by pressing ESC (no reset, please...))
- Score:
- ¨¨¨¨¨¨
- . To hit a foe: 12 points
- . To be hit : -6 points
- . To hit a friend: -3 point
- . rate > 75: bonus of 200 points
- . rate > 50: bonus of 100 points
- . To not be killed: bonus of 600 points
- Movements:
- ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
- Use the mouse (LEFT button to go forward, RIGHT one to shoot
- (I had to change the order because of the simultanate Joystick),
- joystick 1, or the cursor keypad (with insert and clr home to turn and
- right shift to shoot) to move.
- N.B. : 1) Mouse is non-linear: large movements are amplified, small ones
- are attenuated - use it in priority.
- 2) The keyboard keys <- and -> are the only way to move lateraly.
- 3) You CANNOT walk on inclined floors... For your eyes only.
- Doors are opening when you press the space bar and the ESCape
- key will allow you to return to the main menu.
- Some walls are not really solid, going through them is possible but
- will cost you a few energy.
- Dialogs:
- ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
- By pressing the 'T' (talk) key, you are able to communicate with
- the guy just in front of you. If he's a friend, you are telling him to
- go away - not very useful in this version: you can pass your friends...
- When you are under attack, 'ALERT' will flash on the top of the
- screen. Use your scanner on the bottom of the screen to determine the
- positions of characters at any time.
- Resolutions:
- ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
- Use F1/F2 (toggle 160x pixels mode for walls) or F3/F4 (toggle
- double line mode for floor) to dynamically change the resolution.
- Begining:
- ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
- Press SPACE to go further in the displaying of screens.
- Use the cursor keys and space to choose your level and your
- screen resolution (320x100 is not really emulated on VGA monitors:
- shapes are distorted... You'd better use an RGB monitor, you know...)
- Press Y or N to fix paranoia ON/OFF
- The ESCape key will allow you to return to the GEM desktop, and
- to save the preferences.
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- The DES LASERS ET DES HOMMES Package consists of:
- - LISEZMOI.TXT La version française de cette doc.
- - READ_ME.TXT This file in poor english.
- - LASEDZOM.PRG The compressed program file.
- - LASEDZOM.INF Some permanent data & scores
- - TC4\AMIS.C4S Some compressed graphs.
- You must spread this package with ALL FILES.
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- (anyway, it won't run if a file is missing, even a .TXT)
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- To get registered, send donations to the following address:
- Until August 15, 1995:
- 785ème C.G.E.
- Quartier Bellecombe
- 75, rue du Parc
- BP 2555
- 45038 Orléans Cedex 01
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯
- and after:
- Arnaud LINZ
- 7c, rue de la Vieille Eglise
- 59870 VRED
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯
- Please give me the version number of DLEDH (pre-preview, preview, v1.0)
- and don't forget to give a complete mail address for response.
- Reasonnable donations should be 100FF (50FF if you're really poor),
- £10, $20, DM30, etc. Those donations will be use for user support (see below)
- and improvment of the game.
- Bank account:
- ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
- Arnaud Linz 7c, rue de la Vieille Eglise 59870 VRED - FRANCE
- Bank code: 16306 00012 / account: 078714E / key: 27
- (Caisse régionale de crédit agricole mutuel du Nord
- 10 avenue Foch BP 369 - 59020 Lille Cedex)
- Payment place: Douai 27 888805
- User Support:
- As mentionned, being registered offers many advantages. First, you'll
- receive a disk with the last version of DLEDH (or with the next version, if
- you've already got the lastest). You may ask questions, send advice, demands
- or even support. Each message will have a response.
- (But please, don't say anything about the graphics !!!)
- Registered users will also be warned when new versions will be released
- and the way to *freely* receive them.
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- None scheduled. I am currently working on a sequel.
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- - 100% MC68030+DSP56001 machine code game
- - The DSP is used at 50%
- - All calculations are in real-time (except cosine !)
- - All displays are in True Color Mode
- - Almost independant from the system
- - Almost real 3D - bitmap mapping
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- They are numerous:
- - The VIDEL isn't initialised right when starting from a RGB ST mode.
- - The others's lasers display routine is so basic that lasers
- seem to cross the walls.
- - Guys are sometimes really shooting you across the walls...
- - The others are sometimes teletransporting for a frame.
- - The hidden-face algo. isn't perfect, especially while
- processing upper walls or when you go out of an hologram...
- - It's sometimes possible to see behind a wall.
- - When you are shooting a foe behind another one, it's the one
- in front of you who's hit (this one will never be corrected, I'm afraid)
- - When you'are shooting a guy, sometimes your score is increasing but
- nothing happens when your target is near the edges.
- (Move and shoot again)
- - The bitmapping of the floor isn't perfect. (euphorism)
- They might be corrected one day. I doubt it.
- Arnaud Linz.
- P.S. I have no more e.mail